A bit of inspiration most weekdays for exploring your mindset .

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Piecemeal'ing code - part 4 -

Piecemeal'ing code - part 3 -

Piecemeal'ing code - continued -

Piecemeal'ing code -

Measure reuse -

The 'NIH' Syndrome -

Improving Collaboration - Keep it human centric -

Improving Collaboration - Feeback -

Improving Collaboration - Communication -

Improving Collaboration - Governance -

Improving Collaboration - Streamlined Contribution Process -

Improving Collaboration -

why complexity increases over time ? -

controlling complexity -

Little things matter -

Simplify until it can not be -

Algorithmic thinking -

Always refactor the code -

Complexity Paradox -

Code review practices - Tooling -

Code review practices - Learning and collaboration -

Code review practices - Standard approach -

Code review practices - Constructive feedback -

Code review practices - Review in logical sets -

Code review practices - Keep it small -

Code review practices -

Looking into AI future -

Programming Abstractions -

Secure software -

Write code for humans not machines -

Think more code less -

Outline is hard -

Deeper in stack, more time to spend -

Leave the code better than you found -

Laying the strong bedrocks -

Architecture before code -

Constraints can bring best -

Treat documentation as code if not better -

What does your System Design reflect ? -

Use physical work for your own good -

Empathize -

Power of asking why -

Simple is not easy - 2 -

simple in not easy -

Communication with clarity -

Vocabulary building -

power of demo -

Software debugging Techniques -

Skill to succeed in world filled with AI -

Sometimes get bored too -

Discomfort is good -

Move things to beginning of pipeline in Development chain -

Don't leave warnings behind -

Solving a problem or solving a business problem -

Communicating complexity with simplicity -

Plan to pay technical debt -

Rewrite or fix and improve -

Programming languages with package managers -

Build once -

Insightfulness in software -

Investing in building trust -

Innovating from within -

crash or not -

Assertions and errors -

Use automation in personal and professional workflows -

Open-source as process for product and platform/technology -

Opensource in context of product and platform/technology - Example -

Opensource in context of product and platform/technology -

Product and platform/technology -

Zero inbox rule -

quantify or perish -

Pin pointing the problems -

Oratory skills -

Cost of maintenance -

Quality Vs Quantity -

Output Vs Outcome -

Write code to compile -

Tools for tasks -

Developers and builders -

Deleting code -

Enablers -

Best Practices for Writing Good Commit message -

Writing good commit messages -

We need immutable systems -

Know if your OSS project is losing steam -

Positively inclined -

Ground-up or Top-down -

Rolling releases -

Productivity Hacks -

News - Recommended based on your interests -

FOSS Guardrails: Contribution Policy -

FOSS Guardrails: Security protocols and processes -

OpenSource Guardrails: License compliance -

OpenSource Guardrails - Governance -

Define OpenSource Guardrails -

Know your OpenSource (FOSS) consumption -

Decoding Silos -

Beware of Shortcuts -

InnerSource: Applying Open Source Practices in Enterprises -

Unintended opensource forks -

Picasso's Bulls -

Reducing software maintenance cost -

Maintenance is costlier than development -

Gratitude -

Room for failure -

Language -

Open Source mindset -

Software automation workflows -

Package managers -

Productivity Tools for Developers -

Compound developer productivity by code reuse -

Case for package management in programming languages -

Concurrency and parallelism are not same -

writing business plan is harder than writing code -

Code is last -

Compiler is your friend -

Code and readability -

Friction -

Biases -

Moving Mind -

Its Easy to start - But is it? -

Lost Art of Asking Questions - Saying No -

Lost Art of Asking Questions - Evermore important today -

Lost Art of Asking Questions - Who drives the conversation? -

Lost Art of Asking Questions - The Broken Build Problem. -

Lost Art of Asking Questions - Working with in constraints. -

Lost Art of Asking Questions - Don't ask don't get. -

Lost Art of Asking Questions - Henrietta Leavitt's yardstick to the universe. -

Lost Art of Asking Questions - Go Concurrency Model -

Lost Art of Asking Questions - Neti Neti -

Lost Art of Asking Questions -

OpenSource and Art -

Doubt -

Introduction -